A Kinder, Gentler Society (is it possible?)

A kinder, gentler society. Is that too much to ask for?

When I read the news on the internet or watch it on TV, I see so many instances of violence. We’ve become so immune to the very mention of a violent act that we’ve started taking it for granted that the news is going to have a lot, and I do mean a LOT, of violent and negative stories. I’m old enough to remember a time when hearing about a local murder on the local six PM news was cause for head-shaking and discussion among the adults of how on earth could something like that happen?

Now, and this is truly the sad part, we see murder being broadcast and we kind of take it for granted that these are the kinds of stories that will show up. Most of us read or hear the story and simply move on to the next. Only the truly high profile ones give cause for people to talk anymore. The man who got murdered in his house by a couple of burglars may only get a passing glance in the news. Rape…it’s not even shocking anymore. It’s happened so much that so many of us read about it, say hmm, that’s awful, and move on to the next news story.

I’m not saying that the majority of us condone that type of behavior, but that it’s become so commonplace to hear about it that it no longer has any shock value. And it should. We should be shocked, outraged and angry to hear that anyone has to suffer through a violent act of any kind.

It also makes me wonder if being inundated with information from the internet and news channels about violence has created a generation of impartial, passive individuals who just can’t identify with the pain and suffering the victims are going  through as a result of what happened to them. And worse – is it giving ideas to people?

With a teenager in the house, I try to always look at the teen social sites, the video games they play online, Facebook conversations, etc. An astounding number of them seem to think that talking smack, bullying and just being plain mean is acceptable. It’s typically their first initial response to anything anymore. Each one seems to need to outdo the other just that much more. Where does it stop? It doesn’t. That’s why we have gotten to the point we are in society today. What will it be like 50 years from now – 100 years?

Maybe too much information? Sure, we all want to stay abreast of what’s happening in the world, but is it possible that all it’s doing for some individuals is giving them ideas and/or providing them with a desire to top the news by surpassing the latest horrible deed?

I’m only one individual, but I try to be nice to everyone, to treat everyone the way I would want to be treated. I will continue to do so and if that kindness can rub off on just one person, then I’ll have been successful in making a small change. Imagine what would happen if there were a million people that do just that? If we reject the idea that violence is a commonplace happening in our society and give it the true outrage that the victims deserve, could we actually make a difference in someone who maybe on the fence of seeking attention through violence? That perhaps that person would realize that contributing positively to our society could actually reap more attention and approval from the majority of us?

Wouldn’t hurt to try, would it?